Sauce tomate au piment rouge fort (épicée)-Pella's Delicacies-360gr
Sauce tomate au piment rouge fort (épicée)-Pella's Delicacies-360gr Sauce tomate au piment rouge fort (épicée)-Pella's Delicacies-360gr Sauce tomate au piment rouge fort (épicée)-Pella's Delicacies-360gr Sauce tomate au piment rouge fort (épicée)-Pella's Delicacies-360gr Sauce tomate au piment rouge fort (épicée)-Pella's Delicacies-360gr

Sauce tomate au piment rouge fort (épicée)-Pella's Delicacies-360gr

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Sauce tomate au piment rouge fort (épicée)

Ingrédients: tomate (90%), oignon, sel, sucre, huile d'olive extra vierge, persil, ail, piments déshydratés. Νο conservateurs

Avec les sauces tomate savoureuses Pella’s Delicacies, nous créons des repas rapides, mais sains! Le goût, la fragrance, la texture riche et dense restent inaltérables même après l'ouverture, ainsi que l'efficacité de l'action antioxydante de la tomate, nécessaire pour préserver la bonne santé de l'organisme.

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Pella's Delicacies


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The company

Pella’s Delicacies is a company active in the business of Mediterranean foods. Our company specializes in producing and trading marmalades, spreads, tomato sauces and fruit preserves.

In 2016 we established our new food processing facility in Pella, an agricultural area near Thessaloniki, with the most modern stainless steel equipment and experienced high caliber personnel. We chose to settle in Pella because we are well-acquainted with the tastes of this part of Greece and because the agricultural products of this region are of superior quality. The fruits and vegetables we use are harvested when they reach natural maturity, when their aroma and taste are at their peak. By combining the art of traditional home-making techniques with the use of advanced modern technological equipment, we preserve most of the "freshness" and nutrients of fresh fruit and vegetable in the final product, while meeting stringent hygiene requirements.

We prepare and package our products in our facilities, which are designed, constructed and operated with great consideration for impeccable sanitation. Our aim is the production and packaging of handmade products of excellent quality and high nutritional value, tasty products of 100% natural ingredients.

Tomato health benefits 

Tomato is a source of the antioxidant lycopene, which has a lot of health benefits, including reduced risk of heart disease and cancer. Tomato is a source of vitamin C that is essential and antioxidant. It is also a source of vitamin K, which is important for blood clotting. It also contains potassium, which is an essential mineral and very beneficial for blood pressure and prevents heart diseases. Studies also have found that eating tomatoes may lower UV damage to the skin and reduce the risk of sunburn.