Granatapfellikör Grenade-Eva Distillery-100ml
Granatapfellikör Grenade-Eva Distillery-100ml Granatapfellikör Grenade-Eva Distillery-100ml Granatapfellikör Grenade-Eva Distillery-100ml Granatapfellikör Grenade-Eva Distillery-100ml Granatapfellikör Grenade-Eva Distillery-100ml Granatapfellikör Grenade-Eva Distillery-100ml

Granatapfellikör Grenade-Eva Distillery-100ml

Auf Lager

Granatapfellikör Grenade

Grenade ist ein aromatischer Likör voller Frische aus unserer Lieblingsherbstfrucht, die seit der Antike ein Symbol für Wohlstand und Glück in der griechischen Tradition ist. Grenade wird aus 100% natürlichen griechischen Granatäpfeln hergestellt, in Thessalien und Mazedonien mit größter Sorgfalt gesammelt und von der renommierten Firma „Christodoulou Familie“ in feinen Rubinsaft verwandelt.

Das Endprodukt, das in einer eleganten Flasche nach einer Vielzahl von sorgfältigen Schritten, einschließlich Infusion, Kaltfiltration und intermittierenden Ruhephasen angeboten wird, ist die Verschmelzung traditioneller Rezepte mit dem State-of-the-ArtKnow-how der EVA-Brauerei. Grenade ist ein natürlicher Granatapfelsirup von karminroter Farbe, die von der passenden Granatapfelsorte „Wonderful“ mit der Zugabe der „Ako“ -Sorte abgeleitet ist, die dem Likör seine zarte Süße verleiht.

Der frische und hochbrisante Geschmack von Grenade spiegelt sich in seiner eindrucksvollen Flasche wider, die eine Leinwand aus Vintage-Goldbuchstaben zeigt, die auf dem natürlichen Hintergrund des tiefroten Likörs das Wort „Grenade“ bilden.

Grenade verstärkt Cocktailkombinationen mit seinem einzigartigen Geschmack und seiner einzigartigen Farbe. Er ist für eine Runde Likör ideal oder wird nach dem Essen zurVerdauung angeboten. Er kann pur, mit Tonic oder in Kombination mit Prosecco in einem Sektglas serviert werden.

Erhältlich in 100 ml, 20% vol.


Eva Distillery






EVA distillery was founded in 1995, in Mytilene, by the Patrikopoulos brothers. The development of the company is based on the family’s love and experience in the food and beverage industry, whose history begins in Pergamon, Asia Minor, with oriental recipes, flavours and raw materials. Today, the third generation continues dynamically, delicately balancing tradition and modern technology.

The distillery employs state-of-the-art copper stills and bottling machines, and houses a well-equipped laboratory as well as the Ouzo Museum. An integral part of the successful development of the company is the experienced staff and network of EVA partners that ensure the optimal production, bottling, storage, distribution and export process certified by the ISO Quality Management System: 22000 and programme HACCP.

By constantly building the identity of its products, EVA is a dynamic brand name in the distillation industry and is among the top ten fastest growing in the country. The strong distribution network of EVA consistently supports its products in Greece and in 22 countries around the world. The ouzo and liqueur range can be found in large retail and wholesale networks and at the Hellenic Duty Free shops.

Ouzo Museum

Ouzo is a living organism that evolves over time. On the premises of “EVA”, one corner is designated to the history of the drink, Lesvos always perceived as a key pillar of its culture. The museum hosted within, awakens memories from times long gone and not only gives information about how previous generations produced ouzo, but also how they enjoyed it. There is the life-size replica of a typical Mitilenian in his traditional dress, enjoying an ouzo flanked by two old stills from the village of Antissa and machinery used at different stages of the ouzo production, along with additional traditional items of the time.

There is a fridge dating back to the early 1900 and a traditional wine press whose origin was lost sometime in the 19th century. In addition, through a large collection of bottles, the museum captures the spectrum of nearly all distillery companies of Lesvos. At the back of the museum there is a beautifully designed space, representing a typical cafe of the 1930s with tables and chairs, inviting you to get to know and love the products through ouzo tasting.

If you want to come close to ouzo production and its secrets, look for the EVA Museum. In a space created with much care, you will be able to see the revival of Greece’s national spirit distillery, by the usage of old alembics. Learn about the evolution of ouzo through time and meet Lesvos through a mystical journey, accompanied by the scent of aniss. A theatrical mimic of the old Mytilene resident, wearing his traditional island clothes, enjoying his ouzo and sourrounded by old alembics, as well as machinery appropriate for other phases of ouzo production and other useful items, will certainly keep you interested. Ask for the impressive fridge coming from the early 20th century, as well as the grape press, dating back a century ago. You can also taste the distillery’s unique spirits and try the mastique liqueur: classic and with lemon, the only one produced in this way.


Vivid and delicious, pomegranate is nutritional for our health and antioxidant. It may:
  • have anti-inflammatory effects
  • help to fight prostate cancer
  • help against breast cancer
  • lower blood pressure

Moreover, it has symbolic meanings. For instance, in Greece, when someone buys a new home, puts a pomegranate next to the home altar, which is usually a small spot at home. That is for good luck and abundance. Pomegranate is also, used on New Year's Eve for good luck. In Greece, we use to smash a pomegranate on the floor just the new year comes.

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