Bio-Calm-Mischung-Anthea Organics-20gr
Bio-Calm-Mischung-Anthea Organics-20gr Bio-Calm-Mischung-Anthea Organics-20gr Bio-Calm-Mischung-Anthea Organics-20gr Bio-Calm-Mischung-Anthea Organics-20gr

Bio-Calm-Mischung-Anthea Organics-20gr


Bio-Calm-Mischung Plastikfreie Teebeutel 10 Stk.

Eine wohltuende Kräutermischung, die alle wohltuenden Eigenschaften von Lavendel, Kamille, Lindentee und Hagebutte perfekt vereint.

Die Herausforderungen des Alltags, die Verpflichtungen und die Probleme können sich negativ auf den menschlichen Körper auswirken.

Calm Mischung ist ein Aufguss aus Bio-Kräutern, der als natürliche Methode zum Stressabbau entwickelt wurde.

Die Kombination aus Lavendel, Kamille, Lindentee und Hagebutte, vier Inhaltsstoffen, die für ihre beruhigende Wirkung und ihre gesundheitlichen Vorteile bekannt sind, vermittelt ein Gefühl der Ruhe und Entspannung.

Genießen Sie die Calm Mischung in biologisch abbaubaren, plastikfreien Teebeuteln. Die Innenverpackung besteht aus Nature-flex, einem heimkompostierbaren Material.



Die Teepyramide in der Tasse mit frischem Wasser kurz vor dem Siedepunkt (95°C) aufsetzen, 4-5 Minuten ziehen lassen, evtl. Honig zugeben.

Zutaten: Linde, Lavendel, Kamille und Cynorhodon.

Herkunft: Handverlesen in der Region Griechenland.


Anthea Organics





Our story

ANTHEA is one of the adjectives of the ancient Goddess Hera. It comes from the word flower which is the most beautiful, the most fancy and the most fragrant part of the plant.

Our endless quest for high quality products all over Greece, the meticulous selection of the producers we work with, the training and the know-how, but mainly the mood and the passion to create something truly unique, led Anthea Organics to its present position, with a strong presence in Greece but also in foreign markets.

Welcome to the herbal tea lifestyle of Anthea Organics and we invite you to treat every cup of tea as a unique moment of pure pleasure.

Our promise is our commitment

We believe that over time, herbal tea has given a quality dimension to our lives and is much more than a simple drink.

ANTHEA ORGANICS is committed to highlight the high quality of Greek aromatic plants over the worlds and to set higher quality standards. Our goal is to promote the information about their rich, inspiring tradition. Combining the knowledge of the beneficial properties of herbs that have emerged since antiquity with modern culinary innovation, we create unique tasting experiences.


Our mission is to provide you with a superior quality products in ecological packaging, actively contributing to the sustainability of our planet.

Our endless quest for high quality products all over Greece, the meticulous selection of the producers we work with, the training and the know-how, but mainly the mood and the passion to create something truly

  • High quality products & safety
  • Plastic Free
  • Respect to the environment