Premium extra natives Olivenöl-Belia-500ml
Premium extra natives Olivenöl-Belia-500ml Premium extra natives Olivenöl-Belia-500ml Premium extra natives Olivenöl-Belia-500ml

Premium extra natives Olivenöl-Belia-500ml

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Premium extra natives Olivenöl

Unser privater gebirgiger Olivenhain liegt außerhalb des kleinen Bergdorfs Mouzaki, in der Präfektur Messenia, am südwestlichen Peloponnes.

Unser Olivenhain wird ökologisch kultiviert und beerntet. Auf einer Seehöhe von 500m und nur 12 km vom ionischen Meer entfernt ist der Einsatz von Pestiziden und anderen Chemikalien nicht notwendig. Wir kultivieren ausschließlich den Koroneiki Olivenbaum, der trotz seines niedrigen Ertrags von vielen als der König unter den Olivenöl produzierenden Arten betrachtet wird.

Unsere Olivenbäume profitieren für ihr Wachstum von dem einzigartigen Mikro-Klima und der fruchtbaren Erde dieser gesegneten Region Griechenlands. Das ständige Vorhandensein eines Bienenstocks in unserem Feld (ein natürlicher Beweis für eine gesunde Umgebung) garantiert auch, dass all die Aromen der wilden Pflanzen und Kräuter der Umgebung auf unsere Oliven-Früchte übertragen werden.

Neben dem niedrigen Säuregehalt unseres Olivenöls sind wir am meisten stolz auf sein feines Aroma und seinen ausgewogenen bitteren & scharf Geschmack. Alle diese beides Eigenschaften die uns von den meisten unserer Konkurrenten unterscheiden. Und für die wir seit 2012 in jedem Jahr bei internationalen Olivenöl-Wettbewerben ausgezeichnet werden.

Abgesehen vom Offensichtlichen (nämlich, dass wir sehr gutes Olivenöl herstellen) zeigt das oben Gesagte auch unsere Beständigkeit. Wir produzieren beständig ein sehr gutes Olivenöl.







About us

Stratikópoulos family’s Koroneiki variety olive trees have been providing with its precious "green gold” for decades. A teacher by profession but a farmer by passion, Nikos Stratikópoulos and his daughter Betty (a trained olive oil taster), have been caring this relatively young olive grove (only about 50 years old) not because they have to but because they love their land. With deep respect to the accumulated knowledge of past generations, the valuable opinion of expert agronomists and above all with devotion to environmental protection, these two dedicated people have been producing this unparalleled product for many years now. Yiorgos, a childhood friend of Betty’s, an expert salesperson but more important an outdoorsman and a healthy food enthusiast, joined in 2010 her vision in promoting this unique natural product.

Our private olive grove

Our private mountainous olive grove is located outside the mountainous small village of Mouzaki, in Messenia prefecture, in southwestern Peloponnesus.

Our olive grove is ecologically cultivated and harvested. At an altitude of 500 mts. and a distance of just 12 klm from the Ionian Sea, the use of pesticides and other chemicals is unnecessary. We cultivate solely the Koroneiki variety olive tree which, despite its low yield, it is considered by many the king of olive oil producing varieties.

Our olive trees benefit from the unique microclimate and the fertile soil of this blessed region of Greece for their growth. The constant presence of a beehive in our field (a natural proof of a healthy environment), ensures that all the aromas of the wild plants and herbs of the surrounding area are being transferred on our olive fruits.

Our "green" gold

Beliá (pronounced [Bel-ay-á]) is a composite word. It stands for, B (initial letter of the word Biologiki, the Greek word for organic) and eliá (the Greek word for the olive fruit). B-eliá. Our extra virgin olive oil is Early Harvest and extracted only from the Koroneiki variety olive tree. This is because, despite its very low yield, it is one of the very few varieties (if not the only one) which will keep its aroma unaltered from day one of extraction till the last day of the bottle’s shelf-life (*). So you can savour all of it, till the last drop. Beliá extra virgin olive oil has a medium intensity fruitiness and a perfectly balanced presence of the bitter and pungent elements a superior olive oil should have. Freshly cut grass, wild oregano and thyme, mountain tea and lemony flavours complement the pleasant and lasting imprint it leaves on our senses.