Organic extra virgin olive oil-Vendema-500ml
Organic extra virgin olive oil-Vendema-500ml Organic extra virgin olive oil-Vendema-500ml Organic extra virgin olive oil-Vendema-500ml Organic extra virgin olive oil-Vendema-500ml Organic extra virgin olive oil-Vendema-500ml Organic extra virgin olive oil-Vendema-500ml Organic extra virgin olive oil-Vendema-500ml Organic extra virgin olive oil-Vendema-500ml Organic extra virgin olive oil-Vendema-500ml

Organic extra virgin olive oil-Vendema-500ml

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The bio cultivated groves, cultivated at a height above 800m, where we leave nature perform its magic. The result is our unique, small batch organic edition.

Taste profile: Spicy, fruity, tangy. Try it plain, it brings memories of fresh grass and pepper.

Food pairing: Perfect for your salad dressings, your hummus and muhammara dips. It will create a love bomb with your handmade pestos as well as a freshly cut beef carpaccio.

Main features



Glass bottle


Gross Weight:
Net Weight:


Vendema stands for the good harvest. For the good year.

What we harvest during a period of time defines the period’s quality. It's not about how much we got, rather than what we got. Our ancestor evaluated the year by its prosperity in the olive harvest.

But it was much more than their commercial profit. It was much more than their supplies.

It was about cooperation, that a good year allowed, it was about expanding, it was about the party of the season, to work and celebrate alltogether, it was about experiencing the nature and its abundance.



We want it to get really low (as a tequila drunk bestie in the club). Why? A low acidity rate means that your olive oil is capable of resisting to time, keeping its phenols (health fairies) intact.


LOOKIN FRESH is taken as a compliment for olives, too. You want your olive oil harvested within October - November (North Hemisphere) of each year, meaning the seeds are performing at their best nutritional value, aromas and flavours. And you want your harvest date written crystal clear on your bottle.


Let’s do SHOTS. Just 20grams of a high quality, rich in phenols olive oil (COUGH, COUGH) per day, can act as your super guard against oxidative stress, lipids and radical scavengers.


The Koroneiki variety is considered as one of the most stable and resilient ones, so we get what we want all at once. No mixed signals, no blending business.


Our aromas and antioxidants die in high heat, so we keep our extraction as cool as Arnold Schwarzenegger in the Terminator. Also, we give our olives the royal treatment, by crushing them minutes after harvest, to also avoid any nutrients slipping out.


You probably think “yada yada yada, words words words”. In that case, it’s not. A great olive oil remains in grandiose when protected from sunlight and stored properly. We know you love it at the palm of your hand, but please, keep it a bit away from your stove’s heat. 


There is a long gone myth of not being able to cook and fry with olive oil, due to its heating point. Guess what? Extra virgin olive oil has a heating point at 210C. As deep frying occurs at 190C, you can do anything. It also has the most stable molecules. They do not deteriorate to trans fats and free radicals, as most oils do during cooking.


Greece lies its fields in the East cove of the Mediterranean Sea.

For a minute try not to think of Mykonos.

Picture a landscape, with rocky, proud mountains surrounded by deep blue waters, windy and friendly at the same time, wild and tropical: these imply a great background for unique harvests.

  • Our country is the producer of the finest olive oil in the world.

The mechanics behind that, are more than what we do. It is what we are given by our land. The limestone soils of Greece combined with the exceptional weather, with mild winters and abundant sunshine, allow the best possible circumstances for the development of the olive tree (and our wild year-round suntanning).

  • Single Varietal

The Koroneiki variety is considered as one of the most stable, high in phenols variety, so we get what we want, we are not mixing and blending here. Also, we don’t need to do so as we choose the very best seeds early in time, resulting our colour, aromas and nutrients do not need improvements. Our olive oil is straight up.

  • A Shot A Day Keeps The Doctor Away

Olive oil health claim: a high quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil, is considered to be a natural antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, reducing the LDL and increasing the HDL cholesterol, reducing the blood clotting (Health Organization Reference).