


Herzhafte Alchemie!

Hier finden Sie all diese herzhaften Köstlichkeiten, die Ihre Gerichte begleiten und Ihren Gaumen erfreuen.
Pella's Delicacies, Einmachglas, 915gr, 660gr

Alle unsere Produkte werden zum Zeitpunkt ihrer natürlichen Reifung geerntet, so dass sie frisch auf den Teller kommen, ohne ihre Köstlichkeit zu verlieren.


Pella's Delicacies, Einmachglas, 995gr, 680gr

Alle unsere Produkte werden zum Zeitpunkt ihrer natürlichen Reifung geerntet, so dass sie frisch auf den Teller kommen, ohne ihre Köstlichkeit zu verlieren.

Auf Lager

Pella's Delicacies, Einmachglas, 465gr, 270gr

Gourmet-Senf mit Honig, ohne Konservierungsstoffe.

    Auf Lager

    Pella's Delicacies, Einmachglas, 450gr, 280gr

    The tasty touch that every sandwich needs

    Rich in flavor and creamy in texture, free-range egg mayonnaise will become your new favorite 'sin'. Following the basic recipe, we have created a unique mayonnaise made from pure ingredients and free-range eggs to add character and flavor to your favorite savory creations.

    Auf Lager

    Pella's Delicacies, Einmachglas, 410gr, 260gr

    Griechisch geröstete Auberginen ergeben einen köstlichen Aufstrich, der zu jeder Gelegenheit verwendet werden kann.

      Auf Lager

      Olea tree, Einmachglas, 350gr, 180gr

      Olivenpaste erster Qualität aus entsteinten Oliven.

      Auf Lager

      Pella's Delicacies, Einmachglas, 395gr, 220gr

      Gourmet-Feigenchutney mit Senf, ohne Konservierungsstoffe.

        Auf Lager

        Pella's Delicacies, Glasflasche, 450gr, 250ml

        For hummus lovers

        If you love hummus, then this unique tahini hummus dressing definitely deserves a place in your kitchen. High-quality tahini, mustard, spices, and many more pure ingredients are mixed to create a special dressing that will give a new dimension to modern as well as more classic and favorite dishes.


        Pella's Delicacies, Glasflasche, 450gr, 250ml

        The ultimate combination

        Few things combine as harmoniously as the intensity of mustard with the sweetness of honey. Whole mustard seed and exquisite flower honey are combined to create this unique honey mustard dressing that will elevate all of your dishes with its light texture and full flavor.

        Auf Lager

        Pella's Delicacies, Glasflasche, 450gr, 250ml

        Unrivaled deliciousness & freshness

        The freshness of the mango is combined with the characteristic flavor of the mustard and the result is a unique dressing that will surprise every palate. Mango Mustard Dressing is made from pure, high-quality ingredients and contains whole mustard seeds.

        Auf Lager

        Pella's Delicacies, Glasflasche, 450gr, 250ml

        For delicious salads and delicious roasts

        Mustard with whole mustard seed and unrivaled quality balsamic vinegar are combined to create a dressing with a velvety texture and rich flavor. A small amount is enough to bring out the flavors in your savory dishes and become your new favorite habit!

        Auf Lager

        Pella's Delicacies, Glasflasche, 450gr, 250ml

        A dressing with a special character

        The favorite tahini is combined with the intense curry and they create a tasty dressing that will give your dishes an oriental flavor and aroma. This tahini curry dressing is made from high-quality ingredients and promises to add character to even the simplest of savory preparations.
