
The company

BRETAS SA processes, standardizes and trades agricultural products (olives, peppers, sun-dried tomatoes, mushrooms) of organic and conventional cultivation and is mainly active in the international market.

The company name, BRETAS, is associated with the quality products production and the absolute satisfaction of consumer needs.

For this reason, all of the company products meet the national and international legal standards of food safety and hygiene, while the company implements integrated quality management and assurance systems.

Bretas, Sac sous vide, 300gr, 250gr

Breta’s black Kalamon olives are processed mildly and packed in modified atmosphere so they preserve their characteristics, without adding preservatives.

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Bretas, Sac sous vide, 300gr, 250gr

Bretas’s black Thassos olives come from the island of Thassos and are processed mildly and packed in modified atmosphere, so they preserve their characteristics, without adding preservatives.

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Bretas, Bocal en verre, 334gr, 180gr

Natural green olives came from fruits harvested in full ripeness and processed to create green olive paste.

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Bretas, Sac sous vide, 300gr, 250gr

Bretas’s green olives are processed mildly and packed in modified atmosphere so they preserve their characteristics, without adding preservatives.

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Bretas, Bocal en verre, 504gr, 290gr

Toutes les olives sont vertes au début, simplement parce qu'elles ne sont pas mûres. Ces fruits d'olivier ont été cueillis avant leur entrée dans le cycle de maturation.


Bretas, Bocal en verre, 334gr, 180gr

Les olives noires sont cueillies en pleine maturité et traitées par des procédés naturels pour créer cette pâte d'olive qui doit son nom à la ville de Kalamata.

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