Olea tree


The company

The company's goal we created is to offer products of the Greek land with unique characteristics. They come from small-scale cultures with the microclimate of the area to give them special taste and nutritional value. 

From producers who love natural farming, most certified as organic farmers, with respect to sustainability. Products with natural production processes without thermal and chemical treatments, so as to prevent the loss of valuable components. After years of experience in growing olives, we could only use our name "olea tree", the symbol of Greek land that will accompany us along the way starting out.

Olea tree, Bocal en verre, 350gr, 180gr

Pâte des olives dénoyautées de la meilleure qualité.

Cueillies à la main.

En stock

Olea tree, Sac sous vide, 238gr, 200gr

De la variété Chondroelia originaire de Chalcidique, cueillies à la main et désamérisées naturellement par la méthode traditionnelle, sans utilisation de la soude caustique.

En stock

Olea tree, Sac sous vide, 204gr, 200gr

Olives vertes Bio marinées, à l'huile d'olive extra-vierge avec de l'origan et du paprika doux.

Rupture de stock