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Notre objectif est de répondre à vos besoins et de vous offrir du plaisir. Nous remplissons notre magasin de produits grecs délicieux et de qualité, vous offrant une pléthore d'options parmi lesquelles choisir.

Salt Odyssey, Moulin à céramique, 350gr, 80gr

Emballage: Moulins à céramique 6x19cm, 80gr net.

Description: 100% naturel. Noir, vert, blanc et rouge. Mélange de poivres (noir, vert, blanc, rouge).

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Alchemestes No.1 Aged Amber Brandy-Dorodouli Distillery-500ml
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Alchemestes No.5 Aged Pomace Brandy-Dorodouli Distillery-500ml
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Alchemestes No.6 Sour Brandy-Dorodouli Distillery-500ml
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Alchemestes No.7 Pomace Brandy-Dorodouli Distillery-500ml
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Alchemestes No.9 Fruity Brandy-Dorodouli Distillery-500ml
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Rito's Food, Bocal en verre, 600gr, 320gr

Suitable for those, who want to feel active and healthy all day long. Enjoy a guilt-free sweet spread!

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    Body Farm, Vase, 219gr, 50ml

    Its novel composition offers rich nutrition and deep hydration, while helping in the reduction of wrinkles and free radicals. The active ingredients of yoghurt such as lactose and proteins increase the moisture levels in the upper skin layers offering an anti-wrinkle effect, while the royal jelly achieves cell renewal and skin elasticity. The anti-wrinkle agents that it contains such as Hyaluronic acid and Pullulan are even more effective in offering firm, smooth and youthful skin.

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    Body Farm, Vase, 110gr, 15ml

    Intensive care eye cream which provides instant lift and complete protection against wrinkles, fine line and swelling. The active ingredients of yoghurt such as lactose and proteins increase the moisture levels in the upper skin layers offering an anti-wrinkle effect, while the royal jelly achieves cell renewal and skin elasticity.

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    Body Farm, Sachets, 20gr, 16ml

    Multi-action face mask for immediate and visible results. Yogurt’s active ingredients, royal jelly and hyaluronic acid increase the moisture levels in the upper skin layers, providing anti-wrinkle action. Speeds up cell turnover and restores the skin’s microbiome system. Green clay cleans pores thoroughly, removes unnecessary sebum and reduces the appearance of black spots. Makes skin firm and even with a youthful complexion.

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    Body Farm, Dispenser, 140gr, 30ml

    Intensive serum for face-eye-neck for immediate and visible results. Its novel composition offers rich nutrition and deep hydration, while helping in the reduction of wrinkles and free radicals. The active ingredients of yoghurt such as lactose and proteins increase the moisture levels in the upper skin layers offering an anti-wrinkle effect, while the royal jelly achieves cell renewal and skin elasticity. The anti-wrinkle agents that it contains, like Hyaluronic acid and Pullulan, are even more effective in offering firm, smooth and youthful skin.

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    Body Farm, Sachets, 219gr, 50ml

    Intensive care overnight mask for immediate and visible results. Its novel composition offers rich nutrition and deep hydration, while helping in the reduction of wrinkles and free radicals. The active ingredients of yoghurt such as lactose and proteins increase the moisture levels in the upper skin layers offering an anti-wrinkle effect, while the royal jelly achieves the cell renewal and skin elasticity. The anti-wrinkle agents that it contains such as Hyaluronic acid and Pullulan are even more effective in offering firm, smooth and youthful skin.

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