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Organic products!

Products without chemical impurities, which contribute to a healthier lifestyle and define their own dietary code. Choose the organic products of your choice and do not forget that "we are what we eat".
Organic Islands, Glass bottle, 48gr, 10ml

Cleans the skin and removes the black spots, ideal for fighting acne and oily skin. Helps to decongest the nasal cavity, gives fresh breath and protects teeth. It increases mental clarity and memory and soothes pains, eliminates mental fatigue, fights headache.

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Trantou, Bag, 414gr, 400gr

Pure pasta made by Trantou with 100% Greek organic raw materials materials.

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Organic Islands, Tin Can, 102gr, 30gr

Oregano is perhaps the most basic ingredient in Mediterranean cuisine. It is known for the distinctive scent and taste in food nevertheless it has many therapeutical properties too.

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Organic Islands, Craft, 35gr, 30gr

Oregano is perhaps the most basic ingredient in Mediterranean cuisine. It is known for the distinctive scent and taste in food nevertheless it has many therapeutical properties too.

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Organic Islands, Glass bottle, 48gr, 10ml

It is a powerful natural antibiotic, antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, fights fungal infections and skin infections. It has beneficial effects in recovering from cold, cough, bronchitis.

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Trantou, Bag, 438gr, 400gr

Pure pasta made by Trantou with 100% Greek organic raw materials materials.

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Organic Islands, Tin Can, 95gr, 20gr

The beverage from mountain tree blossoms is traditionally used for its heating effect, as well as for its beneficial effect in colds and inflammations of the upper respiratory system, disorders of the gastrointestinal system and indigestion.

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Organic Islands, Craft, 25gr, 20gr

The beverage from mountain tree blossoms is traditionally used for its heating effect, as well as for its beneficial effect in colds and inflammations of the upper respiratory system, disorders of the gastrointestinal system and indigestion.

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Kyklopas, Glass jar, 558gr, 350gr

Characterized as honey of exceptional nutritional value as it is rich in antioxidants and contains large quantities of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and sodium.

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Anthea Organics, Box, 30gr, 10gr

Mint tea is a delicious and refreshing drink giving a sense of well-being and health. The mint leaves are hand-picked by the growers, dried, and preserved whole in the tea pyramids, enclosing valuable properties and a rich aroma.

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Anthea Organics, Box, 30gr, 10gr

Lemon verbena tea in plastic free tea bags. While keeping the leaves whole, it offers a unique experience of quality and taste.

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Organic Islands, Tin Can, 102gr, 30gr

Herb with very intense scent. Traditionally beverage from lavender blossoms has been used for reducing stress and hypertension. It is considered to have calming properties and therefore can be used in cases of sleeplessness, melancholy and mild depression.

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